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Video Marketing
October 21, 2024

Why Your Audience Isn’t Paying Attention — And How to Fix It with Animated Video

In today’s fast-paced online business world, we all know how tough it can be to grab and hold your audience’s attention. Companies are constantly on the lookout for effective ways to attract new customers and boost sales. Sure, online marketing offers a plethora of solutions to make product or service presentations more appealing. But let's be honest. There is one tool that stands out above the rest. And that is the use of video and animation to present products on websites and social media.

I feel like the whole digital world is constantly screaming about the importance of brand video. Just a few days ago, I received a newsletter from Alex Hormozi that really hit the mark. He shared a story about a community that removed their video from their website, thinking people were in too much of a rush to watch it. The result? Their conversion rate dropped by 80%! When they put the video back up, conversions jumped by 5x. Hormozi summed it up perfectly: “Most people don’t watch the video, read the testimonials or the FAQs. But… THE BUYERS DO.” It’s a simple but powerful reminder that the right people engage with your content when it’s there. Assume your audience doesn’t know who you are or what you do. And make sure the video is there to tell your story. The buyers will reward you.

Research backs it up. According to Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing 2023 report, a whopping 87% of marketers confirmed that video has helped increase sales of their products or services. On the consumer side, 96% said that watching a video helped them better understand a company’s offering. Which, as you might guess, translated into greater interest in purchasing. That’s a huge deal when it comes to attracting new customers.


So, why is animated video so effective in attracting new customers?

  1. Simplifying Complex Concepts

Let’s face it, nobody has time for complicated explanations. Short animations lasting 1 - 2 minutes can break down complex products or services in a way that’s super easy to digest. This means your potential customers quickly grasp the value of what you’re offering, making it a game-changer in attracting new customers.

  1. Boosting Engagement

Videos grab attention and keep users on your site longer. In fact, the HubSpot’s Not Another State of Marketing 2023 report shows that websites with video have an average of 88% more time spent by users than those without. More time on your site means more opportunities to connect and convert.

  1. Building Trust

Animated Videos lets you showcase the human side of your company, building authenticity and trust with your audience. And if you’ve been in the marketing game for a while, you know that building trust is the first crucial step that often determines the next moves of your potential customer.

So, what are some practical tips to get you started?

  • Invest in Quality Animated Video

Don’t skimp on quality! A professionally made video can significantly boost your brand’s credibility. It’s an investment that pays off, especially when attracting new customers is your goal.

  • Optimize Video Length

Keep it short and sweet. Short, concise videos are more effective at holding your audience’s attention. Sometimes it’s better to create several shorter animations than one long one.

  • Don’t Forget the Call to Action (CTA)

Always end your video with a clear CTA so your customer knows exactly what step to take next. Make it easy for them to engage further with your brand.

Wrapping It Up

Incorporating animated video into your marketing strategy isn’t just a trendy move. Current market research shows it’s practically a necessity for companies looking to increase sales and stand out from the competition. By investing in these forms of communication, brands can achieve significant growth in engagement and conversions. All while attracting new customers.

If you’re thinking that animated video is just what you need but aren’t sure how to choose the best format for your business, let’s